A Better Chance for Our Children

We find safe, loving, permanent families for children in foster care. Our children have experienced significant trauma, abuse, and neglect that has impacted their brain development. Because they are unable to regulate their behavior, both the children and their caregivers need the specific training/support that we offer for life, at no cost to them. Without these supports, our children are at a higher risk for failed adoptions, trafficking, addiction, houselessness, abuse, and incarceration.

$6,205 raised from 105 donors

$5,000 goal

Two kids enjoying time outside practicing their jumps.

  • Our Rec-n-Respite program in Milford, DE is in need of a safe, outdoor area for our children to play! 
  • Children use play to help them cope with and heal from the most emotionally impactful events in their lives.
  • Encouraging children to run, climb, jump, stretch, and swing, allows them to release energy in their bodies which reduces the long-term impact of trauma on vulnerable brains and bodies. 
  • Trauma creates feelings of helplessness and overwhelm in children. 
  • Play builds resilience by allowing them to regain a sense of control through opportunities to make choices.

Climbing, swinging, and hard landings (like when you reach the bottom of a slide and your feet hit the ground) are good sources of proprioceptive input. Kids who participate in proprioceptive activities tend to have better self-regulation and lower anxiety levels. This is because engaging in these activities helps children improve their cognitive skills, sensory processing, and emotional awareness.

Play helps children affected by trauma by:
   ● Helping them learning social-emotional skills
   ● Developing an awareness of body sensations
   ● Naming, managing, and expressing emotions
   ● Strenthening problem-solving skills
   ● Making friends

CHANGE LIVES! Be a Part of Our Movement!
Your donation goes beyond building a playground—you are building resilience in young minds and bodies, promoting healing from unimaginable trauma, and providing a chance for youth to reach their full potential. 

ADA accessible design features pour-in-place rubber which will also cut down on annual maintenance costs.

Our playground includes lots of options for climbing, which our kids love. There are also ground-level sensory activities, and a hideout tunnel if anyone is feeling overstimulated.

The repetitive motion of swinging is a great way for our kids to regulate themselves.

We love Mr. Rogers.

Play allows children to develop their social-emotional skills, helping them to make friends!


About A Better Chance for Our Children

Mission: We find safe, loving, permanent families for children in foster care. Our children have experienced significant trauma, abuse, and neglect that has impacted their brain development. Because they are unable to regulate their behavior, both the children and their caregivers need the specific training/support that we offer for life, at no cost to them. Without these supports, our children are at a higher risk for failed adoptions, trafficking, addiction, houselessness, abuse, and incarceration.

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