BPG Family Promise Fundraiser 21

A fundraiser for Family Promise of Northern New Castle County

$560 raised from 15 donors

$1,000 goal

Help Family Promise of Northern New Castle County serve more families like Joselyn's, this holiday season!

Despite all the challenges of 2020 and 2021, the beginning of this year was an exciting time for Joselyn. 2021 represented a new beginning. Living in Massachusetts, Joselyn had been saving up what she could in 2020 despite the challenges posed by the pandemic. Joselyn was saving up, as she was planning a move to Delaware to be with her long distance fiancé. The two had been in a long distance relationship for some time and wanted to truly begin their lives together as a married couple in Delaware. 
Joselyn and her two children, Jaiden and Alani moved in with Joselyn’s fiancé early this year. Everything was perfect. Joselyn and her children adored her fiancé – he was their security blanket in this new and unfamiliar State. Almost as soon as she came to Delaware Joselyn landed a job at the Neighborhood House as a Remote Learning Teacher. Joselyn and her children felt safe, secure and they were the happiest they have ever been. Joselyn and her fiancé were even planning to purchase a home together in a few months when her fiancé’s lease expired.  
Joselyn’s fiancé unexpectedly passed away this April. They were planning on purchasing a home together this summer, and their wedding was scheduled for this December. Joselyn’s life came crashing down. The man she had loved for so long, the man that was going to be the father of children, the man of her dreams was gone. All her plans and hopes for the future vanished with him. 
Before she even had time to adequately grieve and process what had happened, her fiancé’s family forced her out of the apartment she shared with her fiancé and refused to allow her to retrieve her belongings. Joselyn was never added to the lease as they planned to purchase a home in a few months. 
This was supposed to be the happiest time of Joselyn’s life – instead, she was left feeling broken. Instead of living her dreams with her fiancé, Joselyn found herself homeless, struggling to maintain her job and to find shelter for herself and her children. 
“I was broken. Somedays I just couldn’t see the light at the end of the tunnel, everything seemed lost. When I reached out for help, everyone was always telling me no, there was nothing they could do. After he passed away life was almost worth not living, but I knew I had to do right by my kids”.
When everything seemed lost, Joselyn found Family Promise. “Family Promise to me represented a new beginning for myself and my family. They helped me find myself when I was lost – I’m not sure what I would have done without Family Promise. I didn’t have hope, I was at the lowest point in my life, I was scared, but Family Promise helped me. They treated me like family and changed my life”
“Georgette (Joselyn’s FP Case Manager) was with me every step of the way. She always encouraged me to never give up. Georgette would always tell me we’re in this together, that I’m not alone, and that as long as we keep trying, we’ll find something. We did. In less than a month Georgette helped me find and move into a three-bedroom townhouse. Family Promise isn’t just someone doing their job, Family Promise is about compassion, and people who go above and beyond to help.” 

About Family Promise of Northern New Castle County

Mission: Our mission is to prevent and end homelessness for families by engaging volunteers, donors, and the faith community. We envision a community in which every family has a home, a livelihood, and the resources for lasting independence.

In Delaware, 1 in 30 kids experience homelessness each year. Yet when families become homeless, they can’t always access shelter — in many cases because of their size or composition, or simply because there aren’t enough shelter beds available. Family Promise NNCC has always been dedicated to serving families of all kinds. We are able to keep families together, then help them move back into housing faster, more successfully, and more cost-effectively than anywhere else in Delaware. This past year we served 124 families experiencing homelessness compromised of over 436 parents and their children, empowering 82% of them to obtain permanent housing in an average of just under 90 days!

County Served: New Castle

Office Location(s): Wilmington

Sector: Family Services; Homelessness & Housing; Human Services; Kids; Poverty & Hunger