Camping for Coats 2024 (8th Annual)

A fundraiser for Sam's Kids

$54,169 raised from 241 donors

$50,000 goal

After learning about the high percentages of children living at or below the poverty line in our local elementary schools between Newport, Stanton and the Wilmington area, Sam's KIDS (formerly Delaware KIDS Fund) and Harvey, Hanna & Associates partnered with national non-profit coat manufacturer and distributor, Operation Warm. The mission is simple: provide EVERY child at EVERY school a brand-new Operation Warm coat. A new coat for a child creates a sense of pride, offers physical and emotional warmth, boosts confidence and self-esteem, increases peer acceptance and improves daily attendance in school. It’s more than a coat. Altogether, this creates a stronger foundation for our community.

In 2017, The Delaware KIDS Fund created a community-wide, challenge based fundraising platform. A team of brave volunteers decided to sleep outside for one night in the heart of Newport, Delaware. Camping out on a frigid night in November represents a commitment to warming up our children in need and to help accelerate monetary donations. Since our first camp in 2017, The Delaware KIDS has been able to raise enough money to purchase over 14,000 coats for 14,000 elementary students at 26 different schools.

We hope you will join us on this inspiring journey to help foster our next generation in need.

In 2024, the need has never been greater.

Please consider donating ($25 = 1 coat) and/or consider camping out for a coat. Our traditional camp headquarters in downtown Newport will be OPEN again! We also offer the option for those that would like to campout at home during the same time. From Newport to backyards, front yards, local parks and beyond. We ask that you consider registering for camp (and/or donate) to help warm up another school (or two) this winter. 2023 CAMP DATE: Friday, November 22, 2024. Our 2024 Camp is dedicated to one of our greatest ambassadors, Sam Hanna. #Play4Sam #Live4Sam #Camp4Sam

Sams KIDS is a 501(c)3 organization (formerly known as Delaware KIDS Fund) established and founded in 2008 by Harvey, Hanna & Associates, Inc. and re-branded with expanded missions by the Thomas and Lexie Hanna (and friends)  is dedicated to providing goods and services to children at risk and in distressed situations.

About Sam's Kids

Mission: Sam's KIDS provides an anchor of hope for youth in Delaware through animal therapy and education, academic scholarships, food, and clothing.

Sam's KIDS (formerly Delaware KIDS Fund) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization providing an anchor of hope through animals, goods and services for Kids In Distressed Situations.

Our mission is to offer the following, but not limited to:

  • Animal therapy and education
  • Academic scholarships
  • Nutrition via school food pantries
  • Safety through coats and shelter

Sam's KIDS was re-named from Delaware KIDS Fund in 2023 in memory of our son Sam Hanna. Sam cared deeply for his friends and family and felt safety and stability was a human right. He inspired us all with his enthusiasm, wisdom and deep understanding of others during his 13 years on earth. Sam continues to spread joy and love in our community from heaven. He overcame adversity, embraced each day as a new adventure and through an anchor of hope, shared a faithful and fulfilling life. #Play4Sam