As a faith-driven, Christ-centered nonprofit organization, their mission is to eradicate poverty housing by promoting partnerships with individuals and community groups to build and rehabilitate homes for people in need or with people who are unable to secure adequate housing by conventional means. This is what we call “enlightened charity.” This is the basis for a hand-up being better than a handout.
Support The Fuller Center for Housing of Delaware. We provide a "hand up, not a hand out" to build better communities in Delaware. We need your treasures, talents, or's all GOOD!
About The Fuller Center for Housing of Delaware
Mission: As a faith-driven, Christ-centered nonprofit organization, their mission is to eradicate poverty housing by promoting partnerships with individuals and community groups to build and rehabilitate homes for people in need or with people who are unable to secure adequate housing by conventional means. This is what we call “enlightened charity.” This is the basis for a hand-up being better than a handout.
As a result of a FCH Bike Adventure, the largest fundraiser, this covenant partnership with the FCH was developed in October 2021. Housing work takes place at the local level where funds are raised, volunteers are mobilized, families are selected , nurtured, and houses are built or rehabilitated.
We at the Fuller Center for Housing of Delaware believe that: We are part of a God movement, and movements don’t just stop. We have been called to this housing ministry; we didn’t just stumble into it. We have made a Covenant Partnership with Delaware.
Covenant partners are local organizations that sign an agreement with The Fuller Center to work in partnership to build or renovate houses for families in need in a particular area. While a connection with The Fuller Center is of great help to local organizations in terms of expertise, information sharing, training, funding and name recognition, the real work takes place at the local level where funds are raised, volunteers are mobilized, families are selected and nurtured and houses are built or rehabilitated.
We are unashamedly Christian, and enthusiastically ecumenical. We aren’t a church but we are a servant of the Church. We are faith-driven, knowing that after we’ve done all we can do the Lord will help finish the job — something that requires us to stretch beyond our rational reach. We are a grass-roots ministry, recognizing that the real work happens on the ground in communities around the world through our covenant partners — so a large, overseeing bureaucracy isn’t needed. We try to follow the teachings of the Bible and believe that it says that we shouldn’t charge interest of the poor, so we don’t. Government has a role in our work in helping set the stage, but that we shouldn’t look to it as a means to fund the building of homes. Ninety percent of all funds go back to the mission of the Fuller Center for Housing of Delaware.
Why we do what we do We're a Faith-Based organization, and lead by the example of Jesus, reaching out and helping those in need. We do it because people of good will need a way to show their love for one another and live out their faith. We do it because the family is the basic building block of society, and every family ought to have a decent and healthy place to call home. We recognize that too many people across our state and nation are struggling to find affordable, attainable and safe place to live. We do it because it's the right thing to do.
How you can get involved As a tightly-run, cost-conscious organization, we are always in need of people’s time, talents and treasures. Learn about more unique ways to help this ministry serve others. Here are just a few ways to get involved:
1. Volunteer: Individuals committed to building homes can join one of The Fuller Center of Housing in Delaware’s upcoming builds taking place in various parts of the state. Faith based organizations and Churches can engage with us in support of your housing ministry. Help grow our Board of Directors and various other administrative tasks.
2. Donate: We welcome all donations to fund our programs. In-kind donations of food for volunteers, building materials and services are also greatly appreciated.
3. Share the message: Tell your family, friends and colleagues about The Fuller Center for Housing of Delaware and its work. Create a fundraising page. Direct people to FCHDE’s Web site. Put a bumper sticker on your car or wear a Fuller Center T-shirt. Ask for brochures to pass out at your office or church. Send letters to everyone on your holiday card list about the work of The Fuller Center. Talk to your church leaders about sponsoring a family or forming volunteer teams. Become a fan of The Fuller Center for Housing of Delaware on Facebook! Subscribe to our YouTube channel.
Watch our 12 minute video at
For more information, contact our Executive Direction, Dr. Michele Williams, [email protected], or give her a call at (302)-827-3596.
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