Ministry of Caring

The Ministry of Caring welcomes the hungry for nutritious daily meals in our three dining rooms. We also provide emergency shelter for the homeless, job placement and assistance, high-quality childcare eligible for purchase-of-care, low-cost dental care and affordable housing for lower-income seniors, among other services. Our philosphy is that the poor should never be treated poorly.

$6,364 raised from 48 donors

$5,000 goal

Thank you for  helping The Ministry of Caring further its mission to feed the hungry through our Emmanuel Dining Room's three locations through the 2024 Do More 24 Delaware campaign.

Continuing The Ministry of Caring’s mission of serving the poor with love, dignity, and respect by feeding the hungry at Emmanuel Dining Room (EDR), every day, EDR serves hot, nutritious meals at three locations in greater Wilmington at no fee and without questions. 

In 2023 the Ministry of Caring touched the lives of over 14,000 Delawareans. In the challenging environment of high inflation and reductions in COVID 19 related government and corporate funding, the Ministry responded to escalating needs.
In 2023, Emmanuel Dining Room increased the number of meals served by 24%, serving 140,184 meals to men, women and children.

The Ministry’s four emergency shelter programs provided housing for 510 individuals and families.

Our childcare programs enrolled 131 low-income children and provided 13,322 days of care;

The Job Placement Center enrolled 447 low-income job seekers and graduated 53 new Certified Nursing Assistants.

The Homelessness Diversion Program served 44 households.

156 low-income seniors benefitted from safe, affordable housing in the Ministry’s three senior housing developments.

Now, in 2024, and to continue our important work, we ask for and greatly appreciate your help at any level and in any amount.


About Ministry of Caring

Mission: The Ministry of Caring welcomes the hungry for nutritious daily meals in our three dining rooms. We also provide emergency shelter for the homeless, job placement and assistance, high-quality childcare eligible for purchase-of-care, low-cost dental care and affordable housing for lower-income seniors, among other services. Our philosphy is that the poor should never be treated poorly.

We run social services programs around the area, including Emmanuel Dining Room, Job Placement Center, Childcare centers, and emergency shelters.