Nanticoke River Watershed Conservancy

The Nanticoke River Watershed Conservancy is a citizen-based land conservation organization dedicated to preservation of the natural qualities of the watershed. Our objective is to promote protection and balanced use of the watershed's natural resources in both Delaware and Maryland. Most of our land protection is achieved through conservation easements, or written agreements between the landowner and our agency ensuring that a property will not be developed.

About Nanticoke River Watershed Conservancy

Mission: The Nanticoke River Watershed Conservancy is a citizen-based land conservation organization dedicated to preservation of the natural qualities of the watershed. Our objective is to promote protection and balanced use of the watershed's natural resources in both Delaware and Maryland. Most of our land protection is achieved through conservation easements, or written agreements between the landowner and our agency ensuring that a property will not be developed.

Keeping natural areas available for future generations is what the NRWC (Nanticoke River Watershed Conservancy is all about).  With your help, exciting adventures through acres of wildlife will remain for generations to come.  Check here to hear origins and needs!

Video about our butterfly habitat!

We'd love to have you be aware of our other lands and opportunities!  We are excited to be working closely with the new renovations on the Nanticoke River- our recently paved parking lot, our newly acquired equipment to care for downed trees and invasive plants, and next to dedicate new stairs on a part of the Beaver Dam Trail in honor of long-time walker/volunteer/Seaford resident and Runner Mr. Bill Beiser (Check out our student podcast with him!)


We hope you will check our involvement with Land Conservation, and our 2017 newsletter showing what we have done in the past - and we have many exciting opportunities in the future- please visit our website and reach out with interest in playing a part of Delaware lands.

Our home page can be found at

County Served: Sussex

Office Location(s): Seaford

Sector: Kids; Neighborhoods; Public & Societal Benefit; Recreation & Sports; Volunteerism; Youth Development; Animals; Education; Environment