Enriching the quality of life through the performance of live orchestral and chamber music by volunteer musicians, and supporting music education and enrichment to the community.
Welcome to the Newark Symphony Orchestra! We would love to have your support in helping us continue to grow and support the communities we serve in the following ways:
· NSO has been performing for 58 years through the dedication of our volunteer musicians, and is a vibrant participant in our flourishing local arts community.
· 39 % of the NSO funding is donated by individual members of our community.
· Annual Betsy L Kent Concerto Competition provides opportunities for aspiring young musicians in our communities to perform with a full orchestra in front of a large audience, and be appreciated by our patrons for their beautiful music.
· Provides donated, refurbished free instruments for the youth in our communities through our Instruments in the Attic program.
· Creates opportunities for generations of local volunteer musicians to bring beautiful music to our community.
· NSO provides opportunities for volunteering in other ways, such as 45 years of support from the NSO Friends, a group of volunteers dedicated to supporting the orchestral performances and fundraising.
About Newark Symphony Orchestra
Mission: Enriching the quality of life through the performance of live orchestral and chamber music by volunteer musicians, and supporting music education and enrichment to the community.
Recent donors
Winner of City of Newark Donation Incentive Bonus Grants, Small Nonprofit Division (2nd Place) challenge!
Patrick McDonald
Elizabeth Sevilla
Megan McDonald
Shannon Stoelting
Douglas Senn
Bruce Finkelstein
Challenges won
Current matches
Current challenges
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