About Family Promise of Northern New Castle County
Mission: Our mission is to prevent and end homelessness for families by engaging volunteers, donors, and the faith community. We envision a community in which every family has a home, a livelihood, and the resources for lasting independence.
In Delaware, 1 in 30 kids experience homelessness each year. Yet when families become homeless, they can’t always access shelter — in many cases because of their size or composition, or simply because there aren’t enough shelter beds available. Family Promise NNCC has always been dedicated to serving families of all kinds. We are able to keep families together, then help them move back into housing faster, more successfully, and more cost-effectively than anywhere else in Delaware. This past year we served 124 families experiencing homelessness compromised of over 436 parents and their children, empowering 82% of them to obtain permanent housing in an average of just under 90 days!
County Served:
New Castle
Office Location(s):
Homelessness & Housing; Human Services; Kids; Poverty & Hunger; Family Services