Freire Wilmington is all about Graduation x 2: graduation not just from high school, but from college, too. The proven Freire model provides five years of challenging, college-preparatory academics plus robust academic, social, and emotional supports that help guarantee our students’ success at Freire, in college, and beyond. And it works! Despite the challenges of the pandemic, 90% of the Class of 2022 were accepted to college.
After 8 years without a dedicated gym, Freire Wilmington now has a unique opportunity to advance equity and expand our campus to include a new athletic facility that will improve student engagement and school culture. With the help of the Longwood Foundation, the Welfare Foundation, WSFS Bank, the Laffey-McHugh Foundation, the Sonecha Family Foundation, and many private donors we have secured over 95% of the funds needed for the $5 million renovation of the the building next-door to our school into a regulation athletic facility that will be home to our volleyball and basketball teams, provide a space for increased physical education offerings, and allow the entire school community to gather together in one space. We need your support so we can begin construction this spring.
Freire Wilmington serves the third highest low-income population of any high school in Delaware. As one of the only area high schools without a gym, our historically underserved population has been receiving the wrong message about their value for too long. When you donate today, you are helping us begin to level the field.
Thanks for standing up for our amazing students. We can’t wait to see you on the sidelines at our home games!