Community Collaboration of Delaware, Inc.

$225 raised from 4 donors

$2,500 goal

Community Collaboration of Delaware, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit that strives to improve local communities throughout the State of Delaware by collaborating with other organizations that share our passion of helping other people succeed.

Funding from the DoMore24 campaign will help support current programs, such as the CCD CARE (Community Advocacy & Recovery Empowerment) Program, as well as our community outreach efforts to the local individuals and families in need. The funds we hope to raise through this fundraiser will provide CCD the ability to provide food, clothing, and household goods to people in our community who have fallen on tough times and need our support the most.

The C.A.R.E. Program

 The CCD C.A.R.E. (Community Advocacy; Recovery Empowerment) Program, led by Kim Jones, Director of Recovery Residences, provides care and case management to individuals as they move through the various stages of recovery from a Substance Use Disorder (SUD). The CCD staff, known as CARE Managers, provide care coordination, resource linkages, and guidance that help the CARE participants navigate the health treatment system, social services benefits, health insurance, and other daily living activities. This program currently supports the individuals living in atTAcK addiction's recovery homes in Delaware.
#CCDcares Community Outreach

At CCD, we also work diligently with a variety of community partners to connect the people providing services with the people who need them, helping individuals receive the resources they seek as efficiently as possible. To date, CCD has  fundraised for multiple community initiatives that have helped us provide: Christmas toys and food for local youth; food to the homeless; household goods, clothes, and electronics to local entry level recovery homes; a free 9-week pre-planned pre-K curriculum; as well as a backpack and school supply giveaway!

About Community Collaboration of Delaware, Inc.

Our leadership team, as well as our amazing volunteers, are committed to helping others and creating positive change in our local Delaware communities, providing sensible solutions that make a long-lasting difference, one day at a time. Get in touch with us on Facebook (@communitycollabde) or visit for more information!  

Together we can do more! We appreciate any and all support... No donation is too small :)