Spur Impact and United Way of Delaware work hard to secure sponsors who make the Do More 24 Delaware prizes possible. Thank you to all of our generous sponsors and supporters for helping to build the 2025 prize pool! Stay tuned—we’re finalizing a few additional prizes.
Incentive Stretch Pool
Donations will be "stretched" thanks to our Stretch Pool Sponsors
Stretch Pool Sponsors
General Incentive Stretch Pool, Small Nonprofit Division (Total Value = $30,000)
Thanks to our most generous supporters, every eligible organization that raises $5 or more on Do More 24 Delaware will receive matching dollars on a proportionate basis from their respective stretch pool, thanks to Spur Impact, Longwood Foundation, Welfare Foundation, Crestlea Foundation, Laffey-McHugh Foundation, Delaware Community Foundation, United Way of Delaware, and other community supporters. Your organization's portion of the "stretch" depends on how much is raised in total donations. For example, if your organization receives 3% of the total donations raised by all eligible organizations participating on Do More 24 Delaware, then your organization will receive 3% of the stretch pool. The formula for the stretch pool is: (Individual Nonprofit's Amount Raised / Total Amount Raised on Do More 24 Delaware from eligible orgs) x Total Amount in Stretch Pool = Individual Nonprofit's Share of Stretch Pool.
Only nonprofits with an annual operating budget of $500,000 or less will be eligible for the Small Nonprofit Division General Incentive Stretch Pool. Organizations eligible for the DDOA Stretch Pool will not be eligible for the General Incentive Stretch Pool, but will be able to win other eligible prizes through the giving day event, which may increase their respective stretch pool share.
General Incentive Stretch Pool, Large Nonprofit Division (Total Value = $30,000)
Thanks to our most generous supporters, every eligible organization that raises $5 or more on Do More 24 Delaware will receive matching dollars on a proportionate basis from their respective stretch pool, thanks to Spur Impact, Longwood Foundation, Welfare Foundation, Crestlea Foundation, Laffey-McHugh Foundation, Delaware Community Foundation, United Way of Delaware, and other community supporters. Your organization's portion of the "stretch" depends on how much is raised in total donations. For example, if your organization receives 3% of the total donations raised by all eligible organizations participating on Do More 24 Delaware, then your organization will receive 3% of the stretch pool. The formula for the stretch pool is: (Individual Nonprofit's Amount Raised / Total Amount Raised on Do More 24 Delaware from eligible orgs) x Total Amount in Stretch Pool = Individual Nonprofit's Share of Stretch Pool.
Only nonprofits with an annual operating budget greater than $500,000 will be eligible for the Large Nonprofit Division General Incentive Stretch Pool. Organizations eligible for the DDOA Stretch Pool will not be eligible for the General Incentive Stretch Pool, but will be able to win other eligible prizes through the giving day event, which may increase their respective stretch pool share.
Bonus Stretch Pools & Incentives
Delaware Division of the Arts Stretch Pool Grants
Delaware Division of the Arts Stretch Pool & Grant Incentives* Thanks to the Delaware Division of the Arts (DDOA), arts nonprofits that currently receive general operating support funding through DDOA in FY25 will be eligible for the DDOA stretch pool and donation-based bonus grants as described below. DDOA grantees eligible for these awards will receive these funds directly from the Division after the event results are finalized.
To incentivize innovative ways to engage new donor engagement, the formula for the DDOA stretch pool will again focus equally on the number of unique donations received and the amount of money raised– rather than solely the total dollar amount raised or number of donations received during the 24-hour fundraising period. The Division has also adjusted the stretch pool tiers^ to provide a more equitable and financially incentivizing opportunity for all organizations that choose to participate.
Tier 1 (Large orgs): Operating budgets of $1.8 million and above – Stretch Pool of $25,000
Tier 2 (Medium orgs): Operating budgets of $150,000 to $1,799,999 – Stretch Pool of $125,000
Tier 3 (Small orgs): Operating budgets of $1-$149,999 – Stretch Pool of $50,000
^Tiers assigned based on FY25 budget submissions from organizations' general operating application.
This year’s stretch pool formula will be the same as in 2024 and use the following:
((Stretch Pool Amount* 0.5) * (Number of total unique donations to your organization / Number of total unique donations in your specific tier above)) + ((Stretch Pool Amount *0.5) * (Total amount raised by your organization / Total amount raised by your tier group)) = Your organization's stretch pool share
Sussex County Donation Incentive Bonus Incentives Thanks to Carl M. Freeman Foundation (CMFF), small nonprofits (annual operating budgets of $500,000 or less) whose mission and programs primarily serve communities in Sussex County and with their primary offices or headquarters located in Sussex County will be eligible for the Sussex County donation-based incentive bonus grants as described below. To qualify for these prizes, eligible nonprofits must raise a minimum of $1,000 during Do More 24 Delaware 2025. Nonprofits determined to be eligible for and win these awards will receive these funds directly from Carl M. Freeman Foundation after the event results are finalized.
Sussex County Donation Incentive Bonus Grants (Supported through the Carl M. Freeman Foundation, Total Value = $25,000).
The top 10 nonprofits that are eligible and qualify for the Sussex County Donation Incentive Bonus Grant programs and that receive the most number of donations over the course of Do More 24 Delaware will receive bonus grants from Carl M. Freeman Foundation. First place will receive a $6,000 incentive grant, 2nd place will receive $5,000, 3rd place will receive $4,000, 4th place will receive $3,000, 5th place will receive $2,000, and 6th through 10th will each receive $1,000. For purposes of the other stretch pool calculations for which these nonprofits may also be eligible, these bonus amounts will count toward that organization's overall total raised.
The formula for the Sussex County Donation Incentive Bonus Grants will weight the # of donations and amount raised equally and use the following formula to determine the top 10 organizations for this prize: ((0.5) * (Number of total unique donations to your organization / Number of total unique donations of the other eligible organizations)) + ((*0.5) * (Total amount raised by your organization / Total amount raised by the other eligible organizations)) = Your organization's stretch pool share
Category Prizes & Incentives
Community Impact Prizes
Community Impact Prizes (Sponsored by Discover) Thanks to Discover, the top 10 eligible nonprofits with the most number of donations in each of the small and large nonprofit divisions will get bonus prizes up to $5,000 as described below.
Community Impact Prizes Sponsored by Discover, Small Nonprofit Division (Total Value = $10,000). The top 10 nonprofits (whose operating budgets are less than $500,000 and appropriately listed in one or more of the eligible categories below) that receive the most number of donations over the course of Do More 24 Delaware will win one of the Discover Community Impact Prizes. Only nonprofits that are determined to be appropriately working in one or more of the following sector categories will be eligible for these prizes: Entrepreneurship, Finance & Money, Food, Agriculture, and Nutrition, Homelessness & Housing, Poverty & Hunger, Social Justice, Workforce. Bonuses will be added to the nonprofits' overall total and count toward their eligible stretch pool share. First Place will receive $5,000, 2nd Place will receive $2,000, 3rd Place will receive $1,000, 4th Place will receive $500, 5th - 10th place will receive $250 each.
Hourly Prizes & Incentives
Nonprofits raising money during the 24 hour fundraising marathon have chances to win additional bonus cash prizes each hour starting at 6 PM on Thursday, March 6.
Each of the 24 hours has at least one prize of $100 that any nonprofit raising money that hour can win. Thanks to our sponsors, many hours have additional great prizes up for grabs, usually based on the number of unique donations received in that hour or simply by receiving a donation in that hour. Where applicable, there are prizes for nonprofits in each the large or small divisions, so small nonprofits (<$500K annual budget) and large nonprofits (>$500K annual budget) are competing against similar sized organizations and not necessarily each other. The details of each hour are summarized in more details below.
Most hours of the Do More 24 Delaware event will have prizes that will be awarded in addition to the two $100 Golden Tickets that will be awarded each hour.
Power Hour Prizes
Thanks to our many generous supporters, the following hours have additional bonus prizes that can be won by the nonprofits receiving donations in those hours. More information about each of these prizes are below.
Power Hour Prizes (Chronological List)
Thursday, March 6
6 PM: Greater Giving Opening Prize (Sponsored By Barclays US Consumer Bank) ($10,000 awarded): The first 20 nonprofits that receive 25 unique donations each get a bonus of $500.
8 PM: Make It Count Power Hour (Sponsored by Your Part-Time Controller) ($500 awarded): The nonprofit in each division (large and small) that receives the most unique donations during this hour will each get a bonus of $250.
10 PM: Countdown to Midnight Power Hour (Sponsored by Wegmans) ($500 awarded): One random nonprofit in each division (large and small) that receives at least one donation in this hour will each get a Supersized Golden Ticket bonus of $250.
Friday, March 7
12 AM: Midnight Madness Power Hour (Sponsored by King Creative) ($500 awarded): One random nonprofit in each division (large and small) that receives at least one donation in this hour will each get a Supersized Golden Ticket bonus of $250.
3 AM: Magic Hour ($1,000 awarded): The first 10 nonprofits to get a donation of any amount will each get a $100 bonus.
6 AM: Rise and Shine Delaware Power Hour (Sponsored by Wegmans) ($500 awarded): One random nonprofit in each division (large and small) that receives at least one donation in this hour will each get a Supersized Golden Ticket bonus of $250.
8 AM: Rush Hour Power Hour (Sponsored by Barbacane Thornton & Company) ($1,000 awarded): Two random nonprofits in each division (large and small) that receive at least one donation in this hour will each get a bonus of $250.
9 AM: Coffee Break (Sponsored By Barclays US Consumer Bank) ($4,000 awarded): The top 4 nonprofits in each division (large and small) that receive the most unique donations during this hour will each get a bonus of $500.
11 AM: Lunch Time Power Hour (Sponsored by Bloom Energy) ($1,000 awarded): Two random nonprofits in each division (large and small) that receive at least one donation in this hour will each get a Supersized Golden Ticket bonus of $250.
1 PM: Live United Power Hour ($1,000 awarded): Two random nonprofits in each division (large and small) that receive at least five unique donations in this hour will each get a Supersized Golden Ticket bonus of $250.
3 PM: The (302) Power Hour (Sponsored by Discover) ($2,500 awarded): The top 5 nonprofits in each division (large and small) that receive the most unique donations during this hour will get a bonus of $250.
5 PM: Zoom to the Finish (Sponsored By Barclays US Consumer Bank) ($6,000 awarded): The top 3 nonprofits in each division (large and small) that raise the most money during this hour will each get a bonus of $1,000.
Power Hour Prizes (By Sponsor)
Barclays Philanthropic Champion Prizes
Greater Giving Opening Prize (starting at 6 PM on Thursday, March 6) (Total Value $10,000) Thanks to Barclays US Consumer Bank, beginning at 6:00 PM on Thursday, March 6, the first 20 nonprofits that receive 25 unique donations each get a bonus of $500. All nonprofits in the event are eligible for the Barclays Greater Giving Opening Prizes.
Coffee Break Power Hour (9 AM to 10 AM on Friday, March 7) (Total Value $4,000) Thanks to Barclays US Consumer Bank, from 9:00 AM on Friday, March 7 until 9:59 AM on Friday, March 7, the top 4 nonprofits in each of the small and large nonprofit divisions that receive the most donations in this hour each will get a bonus of $500. Nonprofits with an operating budget of less than $500K annually are in the small nonprofit division. Nonprofits with an operating budget of greater than $500K are in the large nonprofit division. All nonprofits in the event are eligible for the Barclays Coffee Break Prizes.
Zoom to the Finish Power Hour (5 PM to 6 PM on Friday, March 7) (Total Value $6,000) Thanks to Barclays US Consumer Bank, from 5:00 PM on Friday, March 7 until 6:00 PM on Friday, March 7, the top 3 nonprofits in each division that raise the most money over the course of this final hour will each receive a bonus of $1,000. Nonprofits with an operating budget of less than $500K annually are in the small nonprofit division. Nonprofits with an operating budget of greater than $500K are in the large nonprofit division. All nonprofits in the event are eligible for the Barclays Zoom to the Finish Prizes.
(302) Power Hour (3 PM to 4 PM on Friday, March 7) (Total Value $2,500) Thanks to Discover, from 3:00 PM on Friday, March 7 until 3:59 PM on Friday, March 7, the top 5 nonprofits in each of the small and large nonprofit divisions that receive the most unique donations in this hour each will get a bonus of $250. Nonprofits with an operating budget of less than $500K annually are in the small nonprofit division. Nonprofits with an operating budget of greater than $500K are in the large nonprofit division. All nonprofits in the event are eligible for the Discover (302) Power Hour Prizes.
Lunch Time Power Hour (11 AM to 12 PM on Friday, March 7) (Total Value $1,000) Thanks to Bloom Energy, from 11:00 AM on Friday, March 7 until 11:59 AM on Friday, March 7, four (4) $250 supersized golden tickets will be awarded during this hour. Two nonprofits in the small division receiving donations this hour will be selected at random and awarded with a $250 golden ticket bonus. Two nonprofits in the large division receiving donations this hour will also be selected at random and awarded with a $250 golden ticket bonus. All nonprofits in the event are eligible for the Bloom Energy Lunch Time Prizes.
Countdown to Midnight Power Hour (10 PM to 11 PM on Thursday, March 6) (Total Value $500) Thanks to Wegmans, from 10:00 PM on Thursday, March 6 until 10:59 PM on Thursday, March 6, two (2) $250 supersized golden tickets will be awarded during this hour. One nonprofit in the small division receiving a donation this hour will be selected at random and awarded with a $250 golden ticket bonus. One nonprofit in the large division receiving a donation this hour will also be selected at random and awarded with a $250 golden ticket bonus. All nonprofits in the event are eligible for the Countdown to Midnight Power Hour Prizes.
Wegmans Countdown to Midnight Power Hour Prize (Large Nonprofits) ($250) Won By: Delaware Shakespeare
Rise and Shine Delaware Power Hour (6 AM to 7 AM on Friday, March 7) (Total Value $500) Thanks to Wegmans, from 6:00 AM on Friday, March 7 until 6:59 AM on Friday, March 7, two (2) $250 supersized golden tickets will be awarded during this hour. One nonprofit in the small division receiving a donation this hour will be selected at random and awarded with a $250 golden ticket bonus. One nonprofit in the large division receiving a donation this hour will also be selected at random and awarded with a $250 golden ticket bonus. All nonprofits in the event are eligible for the Wegmans Rise and Shine Delaware Prizes.
Rush Hour Power Hour (8 AM to 9 AM on Friday, March 7) (Total Value $1,000) Thanks to Barbacane Thornton & Company from 8:00 AM on Friday, March 7 until 8:59 AM on Friday, March 7, four (4) $250 supersized golden tickets will be awarded during this hour. Two nonprofits in the small division receiving donations this hour will be selected at random and awarded with a $250 golden ticket bonus. Two nonprofits in the large division receiving donations this hour will also be selected at random and awarded with a $250 golden ticket bonus. All nonprofits in the event are eligible for the Barbacane Thornton & Company Rush Hour Prizes.
Midnight Madness Power Hour (12 AM to 1 AM on Friday, March 7) (Total Value $500) Thanks to King Creative, from 12:00 AM on Friday, March 7 until 12:59 AM on Friday, March 7, two (2) $250 supersized golden tickets will be awarded during this hour. One nonprofit in the small division receiving a donation this hour will be selected at random and awarded with a $250 golden ticket bonus. One nonprofit in the large division receiving a donation this hour will also be selected at random and awarded with a $250 golden ticket bonus. All nonprofits in the event are eligible for the King Creative Midnight Madness Prizes.
Make It Count Power Hour (8 PM to 9 PM on Thursday, March 6) (Total Value $500) Thanks to Your Part-Time Controller, from 8:00 PM on Friday, March 6 until 8:59 PM on Friday, March 6, two (2) $250 supersized golden tickets will be awarded during this hour. One nonprofit in the small division receiving a donation this hour will be selected at random and awarded with a $250 golden ticket bonus. One nonprofit in the large division receiving a donation this hour will also be selected at random and awarded with a $250 golden ticket bonus. All nonprofits in the event are eligible for the Your Part-Time Controller Make It Count Prizes.
Your Part-Time Controller Make It Count Power Hour Prize (Large Nonprofits) ($250) Won By: The Grand Your Part-Time Controller Make It Count Power Hour Prize (Small Nonprofits) ($250) Won By: Barbara K Brooks Transition House
United in Impact Sponsors
Magic Hour Power Hour (3 AM to 4 AM on Friday, March 7) (Total Value $1,000) Thanks to United Way of Delaware and Spur Impact, starting at 3:00 AM on Friday, March 7 until 3:59 AM on Friday, March 7, the first 10 nonprofits that receive a donation of any amount $5 or higher will receive a $100 bonus award. All nonprofits in the event are eligible for the Magic Hour Prizes.
Live United Power Hour (1 PM to 2 PM on Friday, March 7) (Total Value $1,000) Thanks to United Way of Delaware and Spur Impact, from 1:00 PM on Friday, March 7 until 1:59 PM on Friday, March 7, four (4) $250 supersized golden tickets will be awarded during this hour. Two nonprofits in the small division receiving 5 or more unique donations this hour will be selected at random and awarded with a $250 golden ticket bonus. Two nonprofits in the large division receiving 5 or more unique donations this hour will also be selected at random and awarded with a $250 golden ticket bonus. All nonprofits in the event receiving 5 or more unique donations this hour are eligible for the Live United Prizes.
($4,800 total value) Thanks to United Way of Delaware and other generous sponsors, we will be awarding two $100 Golden Tickets each hour. These $100 prizes will be awarded at each hour at random, and the winners will be drawn from only those nonprofits that receive one or more donations in that hour. Each hour, one golden ticket will be won by a nonprofit selected from both the small and large nonprofit divisions.
Thanks to the City of Newark, The Newark Partnership, and other generous supporters, nonprofits headquartered or with offices in the City of Newark (specifically in zip codes 19711, 19713, and 19716) will be eligible for the City of Newark donation-based incentive bonus grants as described below. To qualify for these prizes, eligible nonprofits must receive one or more donations during Do More 24 Delaware 2025.
City of Newark Donation Incentive Bonus Grants, Small Nonprofit Division (Supported through the City of Newark and The Newark Partnership, Total Value = $3,000).
The top 3 qualifying nonprofits (whose operating budgets are less than $500,000 and otherwise determined to be eligible for the City of Newark Prizes) that receive the most number of unique donations over the course of Do More 24 Delaware will each win one of the City of Newark Prizes. First place will receive a $1,500 bonus, 2nd place will receive a $1,000 bonus, and 3rd place will receive a $500 bonus. The City of Newark prizes will be added to the nonprofits' overall total and count toward their eligible stretch pool share.
City of Newark Donation Incentive Bonus Grants, Large Nonprofit Division (Supported through the City of Newark and The Newark Partnership, Total Value = $3,000).
The top 3 qualifying nonprofits (whose operating budgets are greater than $500,000 and otherwise determined to be eligible for the City of Newark Prizes) that receive the most number of unique donations over the course of Do More 24 Delaware will each win one of the City of Newark Prizes. First place will receive a $1,500 bonus, 2nd place will receive a $1,000 bonus, and 3rd place will receive a $500 bonus. The City of Newark prizes will be added to the nonprofits' overall total and count toward their eligible stretch pool share.
Additional Bonus Prizes & Incentives
The Fund Coach Early Bird Prize
Early Bird Registration Prize ($1,000) Thanks to The Fund Coach, one of the nonprofits who registered for Do More 24 Delaware 2025 between November 1 and December 31 will win a $1,000 match bonus, which will be awarded to their fundraising page after the giving day event begins. There were 189 nonprofits who had created their fundraising pages by December 31, 2024.
Thanks to Spur Impact, United Way of Delaware, and the many generous sponsors and supporters of this year's Do More 24 Delaware giving day event, we will be awarding several additional bonus prizes, described below.
First Donation Prize (Total Value = $100) The nonprofit that receives the first donation starting at 6:00:00 PM on Thursday, March 6 will win a $100 bonus. All nonprofits are eligible for the First Donation Prize.
Nonprofit BFF Fundraising Champion Prize (Total Value = $500) This prize awards nonprofits who have supporters that create and share and raise money on their personal fundraising pages. The nonprofit whose personal fundraising pages collectively raise the most money will win a $500 bonus. All personal fundraising pages (except for those associated with United Way of Delaware or Spur Impact) are eligible for the Nonprofit BFF Fundraising Champion Prize.
Nonprofit BFF Fundraising Champion Prize ($500) Won By: Boys & Girls Clubs of Delaware ($39,836 raised on their personal fundraising pages)
Nonprofit BFF Get out the Give Prize (Total Value = $500) This prize awards nonprofits who have supporters that create and share and raise money on their personal fundraising pages. The nonprofit whose personal fundraising pages collectively receive the most unique donations will win a $500 bonus. All personal fundraising pages (except for those associated with United Way of Delaware or Spur Impact) are eligible for the Nonprofit BFF Get out the Give Prize.
Nonprofit BFF Get out the Give Prize ($500) Won By: Everett Theatre (463 unique donors made donations on their personal fundraising pages)
Dine More Prize (Total Value = $500) A $500 prize will be awarded to the top eligible nonprofit in the food, agriculture, and nutrition sector that receives the most number of unique donations over the course of the Do More 24 Delaware giving day event. Particularly, these prizes are to help boost those nonprofits working to help alleviate food insecurity problems in their community through their missions or programs as specified on their fundraising page.
For the Love of Animals Prize (Total Value = $500) A $500 prize will be awarded to the top eligible animal nonprofit that receives the largest number of unique donations over the course of the Do More 24 Delaware event. Eligible nonprofits include any in the animal sector that have an animal-centric mission.
For the Love of Reading Prize (Total Value = $500) A $250 prize will be awarded to each of the top eligible literacy nonprofits in the large and small divisions that receive the largest number of unique donations over the course of the Do More 24 Delaware event. Eligible nonprofits include any in the literacy sector that have an literacy-focused or reading-centric mission.
For the Love of Reading Prize ($500) Won By:Reading Assist
Million Marker Prize (Total Value = $250) The nonprofit that receives the donation that puts us over the $1 million mark will win a $250 bonus. All nonprofits are eligible for the Million Marker Prize.
Million Marker Prize ($250) Won By: Hagley Museum and Library, who received a donation around 9:57 AM on Friday 3/7, which put the 2025 event over the $1 million mark.
$2 Million Marker Prize (Total Value = $250) The nonprofit that receives the donation that puts us over the $2 million mark will win a $250 bonus. All nonprofits are eligible for the $2 Million Marker Prize.
$2 Million Marker Prize ($250) Won By: Dover Art League, who received a donation around 4:54 PM on Friday, 3/7, which put the 2025 event over the $2 million mark.
Goal Getter Prize (Total Value = $500) The nonprofit that has the biggest % increase over what they raised in 2024 will win a $500 bonus. Eligible organizations must have participated and raised more than $1,000 in the 2022 Do More 24 Delaware event (285 nonprofits are eligible for the Goal Getter prize).
Global Giver Prize (Total Value = $500) One of the nonprofits that gets an online donation from an international donor will win a bonus of $500. Each international donation received by a nonprofit will count toward the distance calculation for this prize. The nonprofit whose aggregate international donations equal the greatest distance from Delaware will win this prize. International donation distance will be determined by the donor's billing zip code or address associated with their credit card payment from Delaware and must be made during the 24 hour fundraising period. All nonprofits are eligible for the Global Giver Prize.
Socially Distant Supporters Prize (Total Value = $500) The nonprofit that gets donations from the most states (or the first nonprofit to get donations from all 50 states + DC) will win a $500 bonus. All nonprofits are eligible for the Socially Distant Supporters Prize.
We had donations come in from 47 states plus DC and PR! The competition for the Socially Distant Supporters Prize was competitive again this year. Congrats also to Teen Sharp (24 states), Boys & Girls Club (21 states), First State Ballet (20 states), and Kalmar Nyckel (20 states).
Give 25 in 25 Prizes (Total Value = $6,250) The Give 25 in 25 is to encourage more online donations in '25. To be eligible for this prize, your nonprofit must receive 25 or more online donations of $25 or higher over the course of the Do More 24 Delaware 2025 event. Twelve eligible nonprofits from each division will be selected at random to win an additional bonus of $250. The nonprofit that receives the most online donations of $25 or more will also win a $250 bonus (25 $250 bonuses awarded in total).
Social Media Engagement Prizes
We will be awarding additional social media-focused prizes related to actions taken on certain posts on Instagram and Facebook.
The #DoMore24DE livestream promo will be posted to the social media pages for Spur Impact and United Way on Monday, February 24. From the time it is posted until 12 pm on Thursday, March 6, comments to that post will count per the below. For each social media platform, we will award 5 nonprofits mentioned in the comments $100 each (chosen at random per the qualifications below).
Instagram Contest (Total Value = $500): On the post, you (or anyone) must (1) LIKE the post, (2) REPOST it on your story, (3) FOLLOW @spurimpact and @UnitedWayDE on IG, and (4) TAG or name a #DoMore24DE participating nonprofit in the comments. Of the nonprofits mentioned in the comments where the other steps are also followed, we will select 5 of them at random and award $100 each.
Facebook Contest (Total Value = $500): On the post, you (or anyone) must (1) LIKE and RESHARE the post (publicly), (2) TAG or name a #DoMore24DE participating nonprofit in the comments, and (3) FOLLOW the @spurimpact and @UnitedWayDE page on Facebook. Of the nonprofits mentioned in the comments where the other steps are also followed, we will select 5 of them at random and award $100 each.
#DoMore24DE Marketing Strategy Sessions Prize (sponsored by The Fund Coach) (Total Value = $1,200)
Thanks to The Fund Coach, all nonprofits that register and create their 2025 giving day fundraising pages before December 31, 2024 will be eligible and invited to attend two virtual workshops that will be focused on fundraising best practices and securing matching gifts, particularly as these relate to the Delaware giving day event. Mark Duncan is the CEO & Fundraising Coach for The Fund Coach. The value of these webinars is $1,200. If your nonprofit registered prior to 12/31/24, the nonprofit administrators were emailed the virtual link to these sessions and can also access them on replay.
There were 189 nonprofits who set up their 2025 #DoMore24DE pages by December 31 and were invited to attend The Fund Coach fundraising sessions.
Wilmington Blue Rocks Prizes
Wilmington Blue Rocks Grand Prize(Total Prize Value = $705). The nonprofit that receives the most individual donations over the course of Do More 24 Delaware will win the Wilmington Blue Rocks grand marketing prize. The prize will include 20 Field Box tickets at a 2025 regular season home game, based on availability, in addition to some promotion at that game as well, including an on-site marketing display (based on availability) and the option for one of their attendees to throw the first pitch. Only nonprofits serving New Castle County are eligible for the Wilmington Blue Rocks grand prize.
Wilmington Blue Rocks Runner Up Prize (Total Prize Value = $440). The nonprofit that receives the second most individual donations over the course of Do More 24 Delaware will win the Wilmington Blue Rocks runner up prize. The prize will include ten Field Box tickets at a 2025 regular season home game, based on availability, and an on-site marketing display at that game (based on availability). Only nonprofits serving New Castle County are eligible for the Wilmington Blue Rocks runner up prize.
Wilmington Blue Rocks Mighty Marketing Prize (Total Prize Value = $440). The eligible nonprofit in the small nonprofit category (with operating budget of $250,000 or less) that receives the most unique donations over the course of Do More 24 Delaware will win the Wilmington Blue Rocks Mighty Marketing prize. The prize will include ten Field Box tickets at a 2025 regular season home game, based on availability, and an on-site marketing display at that game (based on availability). Only nonprofits serving New Castle County and with an operating budget of $250,000 or less are eligible for the Wilmington Blue Rocks Mighty Marketing prize.
------------------ *The Arts Stretch Pool is supported, in part, by funding from the Delaware Division of the Arts, a state agency, in partnership with the National Endowment for the Arts. The Division promotes Delaware arts events on DelawareScene.com.
Do More 24 Delaware and its organizers and partners reserve the right to disqualify any nonprofit from participating in the event and/or receiving stretch pool and/ or prize dollars at any time before, during, or after the event, if, in its sole discretion, it believes that there has been a breach of the event's rules and/ or deception on the part of the organization.