Help Casira Protect Civil Liberties in Delaware!

A fundraiser for ACLU of Delaware

$750 raised from 11 donors

$800 goal

I’m Casira Copes.

I’m fundraising for ACLU of Delaware.

There's a lot of work to be done in the state of Delaware to bring us to a place of true equity, freedom, and justice for all our communities. I'm committed to doing the work to get us there, and you can support me and others in our efforts with a donation of your choosing! Any amount you donate brings us a step closer to being able to protect and support our most vulnerable communities.

Thank you friends, family, and fellow advocates for civil rights!

About ACLU of Delaware

Mission: This year, the ACLU of Delaware is prioritizing voting rights, education equity, justice reform, reproductive freedom, and systemic equality.

The mission of the ACLU of Delaware is to preserve and advance civil liberties and civil rights in the State of Delaware as enshrined in the United States and Delaware Constitutions through education and advocacy without consideration of political association.

For nearly 100 years, the ACLU has worked in courts, legislatures and communities to protect the constitutional rights of all people. With a nationwide network of offices and millions of members and supporters, we take up the toughest civil liberties fights. Beyond one person, party or side - we the people dare to create a more perfect union.