Donations will be "stretched" thanks to our Stretch Pool Sponsors
Stretch Pool Sponsors
General Incentive Stretch Pool, Small Nonprofit Division (Total Value = $30,000)
Thanks to our most generous supporters, every eligible organization that raises $5 or more on Do More 24 Delaware will receive matching dollars on a proportionate basis from their respective stretch pool, thanks to Spur Impact, Longwood Foundation, Welfare Foundation, Crestlea Foundation, Laffey-McHugh Foundation, Delaware Community Foundation, United Way of Delaware, and other community supporters. Your organization's portion of the "stretch" depends on how much is raised in total donations. For example, if your organization receives 3% of the total donations raised by all eligible organizations participating on Do More 24 Delaware, then your organization will receive 3% of the stretch pool. The formula for the stretch pool is: (Individual Nonprofit's Amount Raised / Total Amount Raised on Do More 24 Delaware from eligible orgs) x Total Amount in Stretch Pool = Individual Nonprofit's Share of Stretch Pool.
Only nonprofits with an annual operating budget of $500,000 or less will be eligible for the Small Nonprofit Division General Incentive Stretch Pool. Organizations eligible for the DDOA Stretch Pool will not be eligible for the General Incentive Stretch Pool, but will be able to win other eligible prizes through the giving day event, which may increase their respective stretch pool share.
General Incentive Stretch Pool, Large Nonprofit Division (Total Value = $30,000).
Thanks to our most generous supporters, every eligible organization that raises $5 or more on Do More 24 Delaware will receive matching dollars on a proportionate basis from their respective stretch pool, thanks to Spur Impact, Longwood Foundation, Welfare Foundation, Crestlea Foundation, Laffey-McHugh Foundation, Delaware Community Foundation, United Way of Delaware, and other community supporters. Your organization's portion of the "stretch" depends on how much is raised in total donations. For example, if your organization receives 3% of the total donations raised by all eligible organizations participating on Do More 24 Delaware, then your organization will receive 3% of the stretch pool. The formula for the stretch pool is: (Individual Nonprofit's Amount Raised / Total Amount Raised on Do More 24 Delaware from eligible orgs) x Total Amount in Stretch Pool = Individual Nonprofit's Share of Stretch Pool.
Only nonprofits with an annual operating budget greater than $500,000 will be eligible for the Large Nonprofit Division General Incentive Stretch Pool. Organizations eligible for the DDOA Stretch Pool will not be eligible for the General Incentive Stretch Pool, but will be able to win other eligible prizes through the giving day event, which may increase their respective stretch pool share.
Small Nonprofits Donation Bonus Stretch Pool (Total Value = $10,000).
Thanks to our most generous supporters, in addition to the general incentive stretch pool above, small nonprofits (annual operating budgets of $100,000 or less) that are not otherwise eligible for the applicable DDOA stretch pool and that receive 15 or more unique donations on Do More 24 Delaware will be eligible to receive matching dollars on a proportionate basis from the Small Nonprofits Donation Bonus Stretch Pool. An eligible organization's portion of the "stretch" depends on how many unique donations they receive. For example, if an organization receives 3% of the total unique donations raised by all eligible organizations for the Small Nonprofits Bonus Stretch Pool, then that organization will receive 3% of the stretch pool. The formula for the stretch pool is: (Individual Nonprofit's # of Unique Donations / Total # of Unique Donations on Do More 24 Delaware by the eligible/qualifying small nonprofits) x Total Amount in Stretch Pool = Individual Nonprofit's Share of Stretch Pool. Only nonprofits that have an annual operating budget of $100,000 or less and not eligible for the DDOA Stretch Pool will be eligible for this award and must also receive a minimum of 15 donations during the 24 hour giving day period to qualify. Funds received as part of the Small Nonprofit Bonus Stretch Pool will count toward that organization's total raised for purposes of calculating their share of their applicable general incentive stretch pool they would be eligible for, and they will also be able to win other eligible prizes through the giving day event.
Bonus Stretch Pools & Incentives
Delaware Division of the Arts Stretch Pool Grants
Delaware Division of the Arts Stretch Pool & Grant Incentives* Thanks to the Delaware Division of the Arts (DDOA), arts nonprofits that currently receive general operating support funding through DDOA in FY23 will be eligible for the DDOA stretch pool and donation-based bonus grants as described below. DDOA grantees eligible for these awards will receive these funds directly from the Division after the event results are finalized.
NEW in 2023! To incentivize innovative ways to engage new donor engagement, the formula for the DDOA stretch pool will change in FY23 to focus on the number of donations received – rather than the total dollar amount raised during the 24-hour fundraising period. The Division has also adjusted the stretch pool groups^ to provide a more equitable and financially incentivizing opportunity for all organizations that choose to participate.
Group 1 (Large orgs): Operating budgets of $1 million and above – Stretch Pool of $125,000
Group 2 (Medium orgs): Operating budgets of $100,000 to $999,999 – Stretch Pool of $175,000
Group 3 (Small orgs): Operating budgets of $1-$99,999 – Stretch Pool of $100,000
The formula for this year’s stretch pool will be the following:
(Stretch Pool Amount) * (Number of total donations to your organization / Number of total donations in your specific group above) = Your organization's stretch pool share
Please note that all stretch pool grants will be capped at the total dollar amount the organization raises.
Sussex County Donation Incentive Bonus Incentives Thanks to Carl M. Freeman Foundation (CMFF), small nonprofits (annual operating budgets of $500,000 or less) whose mission and programs primarily serve communities in Sussex County and with their primary offices or headquarters located in Sussex County will be eligible for the Sussex County donation-based incentive bonus grants as described below. To qualify for these prizes, eligible nonprofits must raise a minimum of $1,000 during Do More 24 Delaware 2023. Nonprofits determined to be eligible for and win these awards will receive these funds directly from Carl M. Freeman Foundation after the event results are finalized.
Sussex County Donation Incentive Bonus Grants (Supported through the Carl M. Freeman Foundation, Total Value = $25,000).
The top 10 nonprofits that are eligible and qualify for the Sussex County Donation Incentive Bonus Grant programs and that receive the most number of donations over the course of Do More 24 Delaware will receive bonus grants from Carl M. Freeman Foundation. First place will receive a $6,000 incentive grant, 2nd place will receive $5,000, 3rd place will receive $4,000, 4th place will receive $3,000, 5th place will receive $2,000, and 6th through 10th will each receive $1,000. For purposes of the other stretch pool calculations for which these nonprofits may also be eligible, these bonus amounts will count toward that organization's overall total raised.
Community Impact Prizes (Sponsored by Discover Bank) Thanks to Discover Bank, the top 10 eligible nonprofits with the most number of donations in each of the small and large nonprofit divisions will get bonus prizes up to $5,000 as described below.
Community Impact Prizes Sponsored by Discover Bank, Small Nonprofit Division (Total Value = $10,000). The top 10 nonprofits (whose operating budgets are less than $500,000 and appropriately listed in one or more of the eligible categories below) that receive the most number of donations over the course of Do More 24 Delaware will win one of the Discover Bank Community Impact Prizes. Only nonprofits that are determined to be appropriately working in one or more of the following sector categories will be eligible for these prizes: Entrepreneurship, Finance & Money, Food, Agriculture, and Nutrition, Homelessness & Housing, Neighborhoods, Poverty & Hunger, Seniors, Social Justice, Workforce. Bonuses will be added to the nonprofits' overall total and count toward their eligible stretch pool share. First Place will receive $5,000, 2nd Place will receive $2,000, 3rd Place will receive $1,000, 4th Place will receive $500, 5th - 10th place will receive $250 each.
Community Impact Prizes Sponsored by Discover Bank, Large Nonprofit Division (Total Value = $10,000). The top 10 nonprofits (whose operating budgets are more than $500,000 and appropriately listed in one or more of the eligible categories below) that receive the most number of donations over the course of Do More 24 Delaware will win one of the Discover Bank Community Impact Prizes. Only nonprofits that are determined to be appropriately working in one or more of the following sector categories will be eligible for these prizes: Entrepreneurship, Finance & Money, Food, Agriculture, and Nutrition, Homelessness & Housing, Neighborhoods, Poverty & Hunger, Seniors, Social Justice, Workforce. Bonuses will be added to the nonprofits' overall total and count toward their eligible stretch pool share. First Place will receive $5,000, 2nd Place will receive $2,000, 3rd Place will receive $1,000, 4th Place will receive $500, 5th - 10th place will receive $250 each.
Pursuit of Equity Prizes We recognize that only a few nonprofits serving Delaware are led by Black, Indigenous, or Persons of Color (BIPOC). Thanks to United Way of Delaware, Bloom Energy, and other generous supporters, BIPOC-led organizations will be eligible to win one of this year's Pursuit of Equity Prizes described below. At this time, we are defining "BIPOC" to include one of the following racial backgrounds or ethnicities: Black, Indigenous, or person of color (including Latino/a/x, Asian, Native Hawaiian, Pacific Islander, Mexican, Jamaican, Chinese, Arab, Middle Eastern and North African). We are defining "BIPOC-led" as meaning that the CEO/executive director identifies as BIPOC (BIPOC Led ED/CEO) OR 50% or more of the senior leadership of the organization identifies as BIPOC (BIPOC Led Sr/Exec Leadership) OR 50% or more of the organization's board identifies as BIPOC (BIPOC Led Board). Participating nonprofits self-disclosed and/or updated their applicability in these categories as part of an annual survey we send them. You can use the site's search filters to determine which nonprofits self-identified into one or more of these categories.
Pursuit of Equity Donation Bonus Prizes Small Nonprofit Division, Sponsored by United Way of Delaware and Bloom Energy (Total Value = $10,000). The top 10 nonprofits (whose operating budgets are less than $500,000 and listed in one of the three BIPOC-Led categories) that receive the most donations over the course of Do More 24 Delaware will win one of the Pursuit of Equity Donation Bonus Prizes. All nonprofits in one of the three BIPOC-Led categories with operating budgets less than $500,000 are eligible for the Pursuit of Equity Prizes, Small Nonprofit Division. For purposes of the other stretch pool calculations for which these nonprofits may also be eligible, these bonus amounts will count toward that organization's overall total raised. First Place will receive $5,000, 2nd Place will receive $2,000, 3rd Place will receive $1,000, 4th Place will receive $500, 5th - 10th place will receive $250 each.
Pursuit of Equity Donation Bonus Prizes Large Nonprofit Division, Sponsored by United Way of Delaware and Bloom Energy (Total Value = $10,000). The top 10 nonprofits (whose operating budgets are greater than $500,000 and listed in one of the three BIPOC-Led categories) that receive the most donations over the course of Do More 24 Delaware will win one of the Pursuit of Equity Donation Bonus Prizes. All nonprofits in one of the three BIPOC-Led categories with operating budgets more than $500,000 are eligible for the Pursuit of Equity Prizes, Large Nonprofit Division. For purposes of the other stretch pool calculations for which these nonprofits may also be eligible, these bonus amounts will count toward that organization's overall total raised. First Place will receive $5,000, 2nd Place will receive $2,000, 3rd Place will receive $1,000, 4th Place will receive $500, 5th - 10th place will receive $250 each.
Environmental Champion Prizes (Sponsored by Chemours) (Total Value = $10,000)
Thanks to Chemours, the top 10 eligible nonprofits with an environmental-based mission that receive the most donations over the course of Do More 24 Delaware win one of the Chemours Environmental Champion Prizes. All nonprofits that are determined to be working in the Environmental & Science & Technology sector categories and receive 1 or more donations over the course of Do More 24 Delaware will be eligible to win one of these prizes. For purposes of the other stretch pool calculations for which these nonprofits may also be eligible, these bonus amounts will count toward that organization's overall total raised and any applicable stretch pool. First Place will receive $5,000, 2nd Place will receive $2,000, 3rd Place will receive $1,000, 4th Place will receive $500, 5th - 10th place will receive $250 each.
Nonprofits raising money during the 24 hour fundraising marathon have chances to win additional bonus cash prizes each hour starting at 6 PM on Thursday, March 2.
Each of the 24 hours has at least one prize of $100 that any nonprofit raising money that hour can win. Thanks to our sponsors, many hours have additional great prizes up for grabs, usually based on the number of unique donations received in that hour or simply by receiving a donation in that hour. Where applicable, there are prizes for nonprofits in each the large or small divisions, so small nonprofits (<$500K annual budget) and large nonprofits (>$500K annual budget) are competing against similar sized organizations and not necessarily each other. The details of each hour are summarized in more details below.
In addition to the two $100 Golden Tickets that will be awarded each hour, almost every hour of the Do More 24 Delaware event will have prizes that will be awarded.
Power Hour Prizes
Barclays Philanthropic Champion Prizes
Greater Giving Opening Prize (starting at 6 PM on Thursday, March 2) (Total Value $10,000) Thanks to Barclays US Consumer Bank, beginning at 6:00 PM on Thursday, March 2, the first 20 nonprofits that receive 25 unique donations each get a bonus of $500. All nonprofits in the event are eligible for the Barclays Greater Giving Opening Prizes.
The Barclays Greater Giving Opening Prizes were won by:
Caffeinated Coffee Break Power Hour (9 AM to 10 AM on Friday, March 3) (Total Value $4,000) Thanks to Barclays US Consumer Bank, from 9:00 AM on Friday, March 3 until 9:59 AM on Friday, March 3, the top 4 nonprofits in each of the small and large nonprofit divisions that receive the most donations in this hour each will get a bonus of $500. Nonprofits with an operating budget of less than $500K annually are in the small nonprofit division. Nonprofits with an operating budget of greater than $500K are in the large nonprofit division. All nonprofits in the event are eligible for the Barclays Caffeinated Coffee Break Prizes.
Zoom to the Finish Power Hour (5 PM to 6 PM on Friday, March 3) (Total Value $6,000) Thanks to Barclays US Consumer Bank, from 5:00 PM on Friday, March 3 until 6:00 PM on Friday, March 3, the top 3 nonprofits in each division that raise the most money over the course of this final hour will each receive a bonus of $1,000. Nonprofits with an operating budget of less than $500K annually are in the small nonprofit division. Nonprofits with an operating budget of greater than $500K are in the large nonprofit division. All nonprofits in the event are eligible for the Barclays Zoom to the Finish Prizes.
In Your Element Power Hour (8 PM to 9 PM on Thursday, March 2) (Total Value $6,000) Thanks to Chemours, from 8:00 PM on Thursday, March 2 until 8:59 PM on Thursday, March 2, the top 6 nonprofits in each of the small and large nonprofit divisions that receive the most donations in this hour each will get a bonus of $500. Nonprofits with an operating budget of less than $500K annually are in the small nonprofit division. Nonprofits with an operating budget of greater than $500K are in the large nonprofit division. All nonprofits in the event are eligible for the Chemours In Your Element Prizes.
Up and Atom! Power Hour (6 AM to 7 AM on Friday, March 3) (Total Value $4,000) Thanks to Chemours, from 6:00 AM on Friday, March 3 until 6:59 AM on Friday, March 3, eight (8) $500 supersized golden tickets will be awarded during this hour. Four nonprofits in the small division receiving donations this hour will be selected at random and awarded with a $500 golden ticket bonus. Four nonprofits in the large division receiving donations this hour will also be selected at random and awarded with a $500 golden ticket bonus. All nonprofits in the event are eligible for the Chemours Up and Atom Prizes.
(302) Power Hour (3 PM to 4 PM on Friday, March 3) (Total Value $5,000) Thanks to Discover Bank, from 3:00 PM on Friday, March 3 until 3:59 PM on Friday, March 3, the top 5 nonprofits in each of the small and large nonprofit divisions that receive the most unique donations in this hour each will get a bonus of $250. Nonprofits with an operating budget of less than $500K annually are in the small nonprofit division. Nonprofits with an operating budget of greater than $500K are in the large nonprofit division. All nonprofits in the event are eligible for the Discover Bank (302) Power Hour Prizes.
I've Got the Power Power Hour (4 PM to 5 PM on Friday, March 3) (Total Value $3,000) Thanks to Bloom Energy, from 4:00 PM on Friday, March 3 until 4:59 PM on Friday, March 3, six (6) $500 supersized golden tickets will be awarded during this hour. Three nonprofits in the small division receiving donations this hour will be selected at random and awarded with a $500 golden ticket bonus. Three nonprofits in the large division receiving donations this hour will also be selected at random and awarded with a $500 golden ticket bonus. All nonprofits in the event are eligible for the Bloom Energy I've Got the Power Prizes.
Be The Change Power Hour (7 PM to 8 PM on Thursday, March 2) (Total Value $3,000) Thanks to Always Best Care, from 7:00 PM on Thursday, March 2 until 7:59 PM on Thursday, March 2, six (6) $500 supersized golden tickets will be awarded during this hour. Three nonprofits in the small division receiving donations this hour will be selected at random and awarded with a $500 golden ticket bonus. Three nonprofits in the large division receiving donations this hour will also be selected at random and awarded with a $500 golden ticket bonus. All nonprofits in the event are eligible for the Always Best Care Be The Change Prizes.
Fuel Up Power Hour (12 PM to 1 PM on Friday, March 3) (Total Value $3,000) Thanks to M&T Bank, from 12:00 PM on Friday, March 3 until 12:59 PM on Friday, March 3, the top 3 nonprofits in each of the small and large nonprofit divisions that receive the most unique donations in this hour each will get a bonus of $500. Nonprofits with an operating budget of less than $500K annually are in the small nonprofit division. Nonprofits with an operating budget of greater than $500K are in the large nonprofit division. All nonprofits in the event are eligible for the M&T Bank Fuel Up Prizes.
Get a Zoom Power Hour (10 PM to 11 PM on Thursday, March 2) (Total Value $3,000) Thanks to United Way of Delaware from 10:00 PM on Thursday, March 2 until 10:59 PM on Thursday, March 2, six (6) $500 supersized golden tickets will be awarded during this hour. Three nonprofits in the small division receiving donations this hour will be selected at random and awarded with a $500 golden ticket bonus. Three nonprofits in the large division receiving donations this hour will also be selected at random and awarded with a $500 golden ticket bonus. All nonprofits in the event are eligible for the United Way of Delaware Get a Zoom Prizes.
Magic Hour (3 AM to 4 AM on Friday, March 3) (Total Value $2,000) Thanks to United Way of Delaware, starting at 3:00 AM on Friday, March 3 until 3:59 AM on Friday, March 3, the first 20 nonprofits that receive a donation of any amount $5 or higher will receive a $100 bonus award. All nonprofits in the event are eligible for the United Way of Delaware Magic Hour Prizes.
Live United Power Hour (1 PM to 2 PM on Friday, March 3) (Total Value $10,000) Thanks to United Way of Delaware, from 1:00 PM on Friday, March 3 until 1:59 AM on Friday, March 3, ten (10) $1,000 supersized golden tickets will be awarded during this hour. Five nonprofits in the small division receiving 5 or more unique donations this hour will be selected at random and awarded with a $1,000 golden ticket bonus. Five nonprofits in the large division receiving 5 or more unique donations this hour will also be selected at random and awarded with a $1,000 golden ticket bonus. All nonprofits in the event receiving 5 or more unique donations this hour are eligible for the United Way of Delaware Live United Prizes.
Grab and Go Power Hour (11 AM to 12 PM on Friday, March 3) (Total Value $1,500) Thanks to Wegmans, from 11:00 AM on Friday, March 3 until 11:59 AM on Friday, March 3, six (6) $250 supersized golden tickets will be awarded during this hour. Three nonprofits in the small division receiving donations this hour will be selected at random and awarded with a $250 golden ticket bonus. Three nonprofits in the large division receiving donations this hour will also be selected at random and awarded with a $250 golden ticket bonus. All nonprofits in the event are eligible for the Wegmans Grab and Go Prizes.
Sunny Side Up Power Hour (7 AM to 8 AM on Friday, March 3) (Total Value $1,000) Thanks to Arthur Hall Insurance, from 7:00 AM on Friday, March 3 until 7:59 AM on Friday, March 3, the top 2 nonprofits in each of the small and large nonprofit divisions that receive the most unique donations in this hour each will get a bonus of $250. Nonprofits with an operating budget of less than $500K annually are in the small nonprofit division. Nonprofits with an operating budget of greater than $500K are in the large nonprofit division. All nonprofits in the event are eligible for the Arthur Hall Insurance Sunny Side Up Prizes.
Hybrid Commute Power Hour (8 AM to 9 AM on Friday, March 3) (Total Value $1,000) Thanks to Barbacane Thornton & Company from 8:00 AM on Friday, March 3 until 8:59 AM on Friday, March 3, four (4) $250 supersized golden tickets will be awarded during this hour. Two nonprofits in the small division receiving donations this hour will be selected at random and awarded with a $250 golden ticket bonus. Two nonprofits in the large division receiving donations this hour will also be selected at random and awarded with a $250 golden ticket bonus. All nonprofits in the event are eligible for the Barbacane Thornton & Company Hybrid Commute Prizes.
Primetime Power Hour (9 PM to 10 PM on Thursday, March 2) (Total Value $1,000) Thanks to Horty & Horty, from 9:00 PM on Thursday, March 2 until 9:59 PM on Thursday, March 2, the top 2 nonprofits in each of the small and large nonprofit divisions that receive the most unique donations in this hour each will get a bonus of $250. Nonprofits with an operating budget of less than $500K annually are in the small nonprofit division. Nonprofits with an operating budget of greater than $500K are in the large nonprofit division. All nonprofits in the event are eligible for the Horty & Horty Primetime Power Hour Prizes.
Midnight Madness Power Hour (12 AM to 1 AM on Friday, March 3) (Total Value $1,000) Thanks to NuPoint, from 12:00 AM on Friday, March 3 until 12:59 AM on Friday, March 3, the top 2 nonprofits in each of the small and large nonprofit divisions that receive the most donations in this hour each will get a bonus of $250. Nonprofits with an operating budget of less than $500K annually are in the small nonprofit division. Nonprofits with an operating budget of greater than $500K are in the large nonprofit division. All nonprofits in the event are eligible for the NuPoint Midnight Madness Prizes.
Time 2 Power Hour (2 PM to 3 PM on Friday, March 3) (Total Value $1,000) Thanks to Your Part-Time Controller, from 2:00 PM on Friday, March 3 until 2:59 PM on Friday, March 3, four (4) $250 supersized golden tickets will be awarded during this hour. Two nonprofits in the small division receiving donations this hour will be selected at random and awarded with a $250 golden ticket bonus. Two nonprofits in the large division receiving donations this hour will also be selected at random and awarded with a $250 golden ticket bonus. All nonprofits in the event are eligible for the Your Part-Time Controller Time 2 Prizes.
Rise and Shine Delaware Power Hour (5 AM to 6 AM on Friday, March 3) (Total Value $500) Thanks to IncNow, from 5:00 AM on Friday, March 3 until 5:59 AM on Friday, March 3, two (2) $250 supersized golden tickets will be awarded during this hour. One nonprofit in the small division receiving a donation this hour will be selected at random and awarded with a $250 golden ticket bonus. One nonprofit in the large division receiving a donation this hour will also be selected at random and awarded with a $250 golden ticket bonus. All nonprofits in the event are eligible for the IncNow Rise and Shine Delaware Prizes.
IncNow Rise and Shine Delaware Prize (Large Nonprofit Division) ($250) Won By: Forward Journey
King Creative Won't Stop Don't Stop Prize
Won't Stop Don't Stop Power Hour (2 AM to 3 AM on Friday, March 3) (Total Value $500) Thanks to King Creative, from 2:00 AM on Friday, March 3 until 2:59 AM on Friday, March 3, two (2) $250 supersized golden tickets will be awarded during this hour. One nonprofit in the small division receiving a donation this hour will be selected at random and awarded with a $250 golden ticket bonus. One nonprofit in the large division receiving a donation this hour will also be selected at random and awarded with a $250 golden ticket bonus. All nonprofits in the event are eligible for the King Creative Won't Stop Don't Stop Prizes.
King Creative Won't Stop Don't Stop Prize (Small Nonprofits Division) ($250) Won By: Sojourners' Place
Double Shot Power Hour (10 AM to 11 AM on Friday, March 3) (Total Value $500) Thanks to McCollom D'Emilio Smith Uebler, from 10:00 AM on Friday, March 3 until 10:59 AM on Friday, March 3, two (2) $250 supersized golden tickets will be awarded during this hour. One nonprofit in the small division receiving a donation this hour will be selected at random and awarded with a $250 golden ticket bonus. One nonprofit in the large division receiving a donation this hour will also be selected at random and awarded with a $250 golden ticket bonus. All nonprofits in the event are eligible for the McCollom D'Emilio Smith Uebler Double Shot Prizes.
McCollom D'Emilio Smith Uebler Double Shot Prize (Small Nonprofit Division) ($250) Won By: Village Volunteers
Countdown to Midnight Power Hour (11 PM to 12 AM on Thursday, March 2) (Total Value $500) Thanks to Wawa Foundation, from 11:00 PM on Thursday, March 2 until 11:59 PM on Thursday, March 2, two (2) $250 supersized golden tickets will be awarded during this hour. One nonprofit in the small division receiving a donation this hour will be selected at random and awarded with a $250 golden ticket bonus. One nonprofit in the large division receiving a donation this hour will also be selected at random and awarded with a $250 golden ticket bonus. All nonprofits in the event are eligible for the Wawa Countdown to Midnight Prizes.
Wawa Countdown to Midnight Prize (Small Nonprofit Division) ($250) Won By: New Light Theatre
Wawa Countdown to Midnight Prize (Large Nonprofit Division) ($250) Won By: Humane Animal Partners
Other Cash Prizes & Incentives
Golden Ticket Sponsor
Golden Tickets
($4,800 total value) Thanks to United Way of Delaware and other generous sponsors, we will be awarding two $100 Golden Tickets each hour. These $100 prizes will be awarded at each hour at random, and the winners will be drawn from only those nonprofits that receive one or more donations in that hour. Each hour, one golden ticket will be won by a nonprofit selected from both the small and large nonprofit divisions.
City of Newark Prizes Thanks to the City of Newark, The Newark Partnership, and other generous supporters, nonprofits headquartered or with offices in the City of Newark (specifically in zip codes 19711, 19713, and 19716) will be eligible for the City of Newark donation-based incentive bonus grants as described below. To qualify for these prizes, eligible nonprofits must receive one or more donations during Do More 24 Delaware 2023.
City of Newark Donation Incentive Bonus Grants, Small Nonprofit Division (Supported through the City of Newark and The Newark Partnership, Total Value = $2,500).
The top 2 qualifying nonprofits (whose operating budgets are less than $500,000 and otherwise determined to be eligible for the City of Newark Prizes) that receive the most number of unique donations over the course of Do More 24 Delaware will each win one of the City of Newark Prizes. First place will receive a $1,500 bonus and 2nd place will receive a $1,000 bonus. The City of Newark prizes will be added to the nonprofits' overall total and count toward their eligible stretch pool share.
City of Newark Donation Incentive Bonus Grants, Large Nonprofit Division (Supported through the City of Newark and The Newark Partnership, Total Value = $2,500).
The top 2 qualifying nonprofits (whose operating budgets are greater than $500,000 and otherwise determined to be eligible for the City of Newark Prizes) that receive the most number of unique donations over the course of Do More 24 Delaware will each win one of the City of Newark Prizes. First place will receive a $1,500 bonus and 2nd place will receive a $1,000 bonus. The City of Newark prizes will be added to the nonprofits' overall total and count toward their eligible stretch pool share.
For the Love of Reading Prize (Sponsored by EveryLibrary) (Total Value = $2,000) Thanks to EveryLibrary, two $1,000 prizes will be awarded to the top eligible literacy nonprofit in each of the large and small divisions that receive the largest number of unique donations over the course of the Do More 24 Delaware event. Eligible nonprofits include any in the literacy sector that have an literacy-focused or reading-centric mission.
EveryLibrary For the Love of Reading Prize (Small Nonprofit Division) ($1,000) Won By: Read Aloud Delaware
EveryLibrary For the Love of Reading Prize (Large Nonprofit Division) ($1,000) Won By: Lewes Public Library
First Donation Prize
First Donation Prize (Sponsored by DANA) (Total Value = $100) Thanks to DANA, the nonprofit that receives the first donation starting at 6:00:00 PM on Thursday, March 2 will win a $100 bonus. All nonprofits are eligible for the First Donation Prize.
The DANA First Donation Prize ($100) was won by ACLU-Delaware (receiving its first donation at 6:00:09 PM)!
Bonus Prize Sponsors
Thanks to Spur Impact, United Way of Delaware, and the many generous sponsors and supporters of this year's Do More 24 Delaware giving day event, we will be awarding several additional bonus prizes, described below.
Dine More Prize (Total Value = $500) A $500 prize will be awarded to the top eligible nonprofit in the food, agriculture, and nutrition sector that receives the most number of unique donations over the course of the Do More 24 Delaware giving day event. Particularly, these prizes are to help boost those nonprofits working to help alleviate food insecurity problems in their community through their missions or programs.
For the Love of Animals Prize (Total Value = $500) A $500 prize will be awarded to the top eligible animal nonprofit that receives the largest number of unique donations over the course of the Do More 24 Delaware event. Eligible nonprofits include any in the animal sector that have an animal-centric mission.
For the Love of Animals Prize ($500) Won By: Forgotten Cats
Women Leadership Prize(Total Value = $500) A $500 prize will be awarded to the top eligible nonprofit with a women-centric mission or program that receives the largest number of unique donations over the course of the Do More 24 Delaware event. Eligible nonprofits will generally include those in the women's issues sector that have a mission or are fundraising for a specific program that addresses the needs and enhances the worth and potential of women in Delaware.
Million Marker Prize (Total Value = $500) The nonprofit that receives the donation that puts us over the $1 million mark will win a $500 bonus. All nonprofits are eligible for the Million Marker Prize.
The Million Marker Prize ($500) Won By: Richard Allen Coalition, who received a donation around 10:14 am on 3/3, which put the 2023 event over the $1 million mark.
$2 Million Marker Prize (Total Value = $500) The nonprofit that receives the donation that puts us over the $2 million mark will win a $500 bonus. All nonprofits are eligible for the $2 Million Marker Prize.
The $2 Million Market Prize ($500) Won By:First State Ballet, who received a donation to one of its supporting fundraising pages around 5:03 PM on 3/3, which put the 2023 event over the $2 million mark.
Record Breaker Prize (Total Value = $500) The nonprofit that receives the donation that puts us over the 2022 Do More 24 Delaware giving day record of $2,683,316 will win a $500 bonus. All nonprofits are eligible for the Record Breaker Prize. We came close, and hope to break this record in 2024!
Goal Getter Prize (Total Value = $500) The nonprofit that has the biggest % increase over what they raised in 2022 will win a $500 bonus. Eligible organizations must have participated and raised more than $1,000 in the 2022 Do More 24 Delaware event (215 nonprofits are eligible for the Goal Getter prize).
Goal Getter Prize ($500) Won By: Delaware Nature Society (988% increase with $25,070 raised in 2023 over the $2,305 raised in 2022).
There were 16 nonprofits that doubled (or more than doubled) what they had raised in 2022. We recognize the following organizations for 150% or better increases over their 2022 Do More 24 Delaware fundraising totals: Police Athletic League of Wilmington (+669%), Ronald McDonald House of Delaware (+313%), First State Ballet Theatre (+291%), Forgotten Cats (+283%), Delaware Bar Foundation (+218%), Brandywine Valley SPCA (+179%), and Developing Artist Collaboration (+169%).
Global Giver Prize (Total Value = $500) One of the nonprofits that gets an online donation from an international donor will win a bonus of $500. Each international donation received by a nonprofit will count as a chance to win this prize and the nonprofit that will win will be selected at random from all of the nonprofits that received one or more international donations. International donations will be determined by the donor's billing zip code or address associated with their credit card payment and must be made during the 24 hour fundraising period. All nonprofits are eligible for the Global Giver Prize.
We had 16 nonprofits receive donations from donors from 10 different countries this year!
Global Giver Prize ($500) Won By: First State Squash (receiving a donation from Canada)
Socially Distant Supporters Prize (Total Value = $500) The nonprofit that gets donations from the most states (or the first nonprofit to get donations from all 50 states + DC) will win a $500 bonus. All nonprofits are eligible for the Socially Distant Supporters Prize.
We had donations come in from 50 states plus DC, PR, and VI! The competition for the Socially Distant Supporters Prize was competitive again this year. Congrats to our runners up First State Ballet Theatre (29 states), United Way of Delaware (20 states), and Kalmar Nyckel Foundation (19 states).
Socially Distant Supporters Prize ($500) Won By: Everett Theatre (receiving donations from 42 states)
Nonprofit BFF Fundraising Champion Prize (Total Value = $500) The nonprofit whose child fundraising page raises the most money will win a $500 bonus. All child fundraising pages (except for those associated with United Way of Delaware or Spur Impact) are eligible for the Nonprofit BFF Fundraising Champion Prize.
Nonprofit BFF Get out the Give Prize (Total Value = $500) The nonprofit whose child fundraising page receives the most unique donations will win a $500 bonus. All child fundraising pages (except for those associated with United Way of Delaware or Spur Impact) are eligible for the Nonprofit BFF Get out the Give Prize.
Motivate More Prize (For Nonprofits that raise $1,000 or more over the course of the 24 hours) (Total Value $1,000) Two random nonprofits that raise more than $1,000 over the course of the 24 hour Do More 24 Delaware giving day event will each be awarded with a $500 bonus prize. All nonprofits that raise $1,000 or more are eligible to win the Motivate More Prize.
276 nonprofits raised $1,000 or more and were eligible for the Motivate More Prizes.
Give Together Prize (For Nonprofits that receive 50 or more donations over the course of the 24 hours) (Total Value $1,000) Two random nonprofits that receive more than 50 donations over the course of the 24 hour Do More 24 Delaware giving day event will each be awarded with a $500 bonus prize. All nonprofits that receive 50 or more donations are eligible to win the Give Together Prize.
78 nonprofits received 50 or more donations and were eligible for the Give Together Prizes.
#DoMore24DE Twitter Engagement Prize (Sponsored by the #MILLSUMMIT) (Total Value up to $500)
#DoMore24DE Tweet Prize. Starting at 9:00 a.m. on Monday, February 27, the #MILLSUMMIT will contribute $1 per retweet to the participating nonprofits using #DoMore24DE to promote themselves on Twitter. The @millsummit Twitter account will post the Do More 24 Delaware livestream promo video at or near 9 AM on February 27. Every retweet of this post that includes a comment that tags and/or mentions one of the participating nonprofits and both the #DoMore24DE and #MILLSUMMIT hashtag will count. Only retweets between 9 a.m. on Monday, 2/27 and 9 a.m. on Thursday, 3/2 will count.
In addition, the #MILLSUMMIT will also contribute $1 for any retweets of participating nonprofit posts that use the #DoMore24DE hashtag. The original tweet must have been sent after 8:59 a.m. on 2/27 and must contain the hashtag #DoMore24DE. Only retweets between 9 a.m. on Monday, 2/27 and 9 a.m. on Thursday, March 2 will count.
Only the first 500 retweets will count for this prize. Contributions will be made to the nonprofits' fundraising pages after #DoMore24DE begins.
32 Different nonprofits were eligible and won #MILLSUMMIT Retweet Prizes! Congrats to The Everett Theatre for getting the most tweets as part of this contest!
Other Non-Cash Prizes & Incentives
Wegmans New Castle County Gift Card Prizes
Wegmans New Castle County Gift Card Prizes ($2,000 total value) Thanks to Wegmans, we will be awarding $2,000 in Wegmans gift certificates to the top 3 eligible nonprofits in each division that receive the most number of unique donations over the course of the Do More 24 Delaware event. Eligibility is restricted to those nonprofits with offices in and serving New Castle County. For each the large and small divisions, the prizes for the top 3 eligible nonprofits are: 1st place ($500 in Wegmans' gift cards), 2nd place ($250 in Wegmans' gift cards), 3rd place ($250 in Wegmans' gift cards). Members of the Do More 24 Delaware planning team will coordinate with the winners to get their gift cards after the event.
Wegmans New Castle County Gift Card Prizes (Small Nonprofit Division) Won By: 1. Everett Theatre ($500 in Wegmans' gift cards) 2. Pieces of a Dream ($250 in Wegmans' gift cards) 3. Supporting Kidds ($250 in Wegmans' gift cards)
Social Media Marketing Campaign Prize (sponsored by First State Destinations) (Total Value = $4,225)
Thanks to First State Destinations, all large nonprofits (operating budget of $500k or more) that receive 50 or more unique donations through the 2023 Do More 24 Delaware giving day event will be eligible to win an exclusive Social Media Marketing Promotional Campaign package. One qualifying nonprofit will be selected at random to win this great Social Media Marketing Campaign Prize (a $4225 marketing value).
Alexis Harris and First State Destinations will work with the winning nonprofit to develop a campaign that will help diversify and enhance their marketing channels and strengthen their brand awareness and engagement. This marketing package includes a dedicated promotional marketing on First State Destinations' TikTok Video, Instagram Reel, Instagram Story, Facebook Page, and Private Facebook Group.
Wilmington Blue Rocks Grand Prize (Total value = $1,500). The eligible nonprofit that receives the most unique donations over the course of Do More 24 Delaware will win the Wilmington Blue Rocks grand marketing prize. The prize will include use of one, un-catered, 20-person luxury suite at a 2023 home game of choice (based on availability), in addition to some promotion at that game as well, including an on-site marketing display, in-game PA announcements w/ logo placement on the video board and the option for one of their attendees to throw the first pitch. Only nonprofits serving New Castle County are eligible for the Wilmington Blue Rocks grand prize.
Wilmington Blue Rocks Runner Up Marketing Prize (Total Value = $800). The eligible nonprofit that receives the second most unique donations over the course of Do More 24 Delaware will win the Wilmington Blue Rocks runner up marketing prize. The prize will include ten upper box tickets at a future game of the nonprofit's choice (subject to availability) and similar promotion at that game, including on on-site marketing display and in-game PA announcements w/ logo placement on the video board. Only nonprofits serving New Castle County are eligible for the Wilmington Blue Rocks runner up prize.
Wilmington Blue Rocks Mighty Marketing Prize (Total Value = $800). The eligible nonprofit in the small nonprofit category (operating budget of $250,000 or less) that receives the most unique donations over the course of Do More 24 Delaware will win the Wilmington Blue Rocks Mighty Marketing prize. The prize will include ten upper box tickets at a future game of the nonprofit's choice (subject to availability) and similar promotion at that game, including on on-site marketing display and in-game PA announcements w/ logo placement on the video board. Only nonprofits serving New Castle County in the small nonprofit category (operating budget of $250,000 or less) are eligible for the Wilmington Blue Rocks runner up prize. Should the nonprofit that wins this prize also win either the Wilmington Blue Rocks Grant Prize or the Runner Up Marketing Prize, the Mighty Marketing Prize will be awarded to the nonprofit that receives the second most unique donations.
Wilmington Blue Rocks Mighty Marketing Prize Won By: Pieces of a Dream
Social Media Campaign Manager Prize
#DoMore24DE Social Media Campaign Manager Prize (sponsored by Highway One Marketing) (Total Value = $1,200)
Thanks to Highway One Marketing, all nonprofits that register and create their 2022 giving day fundraising pages before December 31, 2022 will be eligible and automatically entered to win an 8 week (up to 16 hours) Do More 24 Delaware 2023 social media campaign manager! One nonprofit will be selected at random to win the Social Media Campaign Manager prize (a $1200 marketing value).
Highway One Marketing will work with the winning nonprofit to identify social media opportunities to support the success of their Do More 24 Delaware 2023 campaign. Highway One Marketing will utilize the Do More 24 Delaware Marketing Toolkit along with his expertise to craft a social media message and timeline as well as schedule the content.
The Highway One Marketing Prize was won by Four youth (selected at random from 165 eligible nonprofits).
------------------ *The Arts Stretch Pool is supported, in part, by funding from the Delaware Division of the Arts, a state agency, in partnership with the National Endowment for the Arts. The Division promotes Delaware arts events on
Do More 24 Delaware and its organizers and partners reserve the right to disqualify any nonprofit from participating in the event and/or receiving stretch pool and/ or prize dollars at any time before, during, or after the event, if, in its sole discretion, it believes that there has been a breach of the event's rules and/ or deception on the part of the organization.